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The Levator Scapulae muscle extends along the back of the neck, with the function of assisting with various neck, arm and shoulder movements such as shrugging. When the muscle becomes rigid this can cause pain and reduced motion in the area. flowy ethereal wedding outfits of chiffon

The most prominent cause of Levator Scapulae Syndrome (LSS) is overuse. This can arise due to multiple factors. Failure to warm up correctly before activity or to stretch and strengthen the neck muscles regularly is a common contributing ... factor.

Symptoms of LSS include sharp pain in and around the neck, often radiating upwards and leading to headaches. The neck area may also become noticeably inflamed. It is not unusual to experience a prolonged feeling of discomfort in the area.

Movement can be restricted in the neck and shoulders, with pain and stiffness worsening when attempting many everyday motions. The syndrome most frequently affects the left side of the body, but can affect either side.

Edited extract from NAT Anatomy of Pain Trigger Point Master Course. Click for more information.


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Levator Scapulae Syndrome (LSS) - usually affects the left side, but can affect either side. Learn more about trigger points ...nielasher.com